Spinning a yarn

Spinning a yarn

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Week 6 of Alpha Blue!

Hello Sweeties,

I decided to post week 6 & week 7 close together as week 6 ended part way through the finale. Week 7 should be posted tomorrow.

There is a plan to run Girls Gone Rogue as a one shot follow on next week but our campaign has now concluded and I can honestly say it was easier to run then I'd thought and everyone had a blast! I would certainly run it again (though I might need a break from all the planning for a while)!

Due to life getting in the way I felt woefully unprepared for these last two sessions yet they were arguably two of my favourites!

The Game

We picked up where we left off with Arden, Zeke and Kanan finishing up the JCN mission, resetting him back to factory settings and making the investment offer for shares in Alpha Blue. On their way back to the ship they saw Bonny & Clyde.

Back on the Cyclops Snake; Sister Mary had taken Crazy Carmela to Astra to be patched up when Dash returned and got filled in on what he had missed while at the Ultra Room.

As Arden, Kanan and Zeke returned to the ship the Terra Nostra showed up, guns drawn and ready for action, however Arden was still wearing the horny pollen weapon from the previous week. With the exception of Tigra, Ilsa the sex bot and Frankie the Fish the Terra Nostra were overcome with sexual urges. Unfortunately so was Dash who had not been given the antidote.

Tony of the Terra Nostra went straight for Arden, while Don Salvatore fixated on Sister Mary. Crazy Carmela started having a sex dream and moaning for Tigra while Vincent Vega and Dash both went for Astra.

Vega tried to shoot Dash to ward him off  of Astra however Dash grabbed the gun... then tripped and shot Astra in the leg ripping a hole through her hazmat suit.

Tigra and Frankie tried to restrain Vega & Dash but Zeke shot Tigra with the God gun causing him to have a revelation and retire to the chapel.

Kanan subdued Vega by filling his brain with images of his parents having sex causing Vega to scream and whimper in disgust. He took some indigo haze to wipe the memory and dragged Ilsa Ss into the nearest cupboard to relieve his urges.

Sister Mary meanwhile with Astra's help had Don Salvatore's nuts in a vice like grip and got him to order his men off the ship. Frankie left to 'take care of their guest' (Vena). Tony reluctantly left Arden with a kiss goodbye.

Dash still ridiculously horny woke Crazy Carmela and proceeded to have kinky exhibitionist sex, right there on the med bay table while Astra and Mary knocked out Vega and the Don, sticking them in cryo. Zeke 'questioned' Ilsa SS in the cupboard which basically meant lots of sex.

Dash continued with Crazy Carmela back in his room but sadly caught Anal Flux. Arden took many boiling hot showers to wash the Tony off feeling pretty disturbed by the encounter but luckily his loving supportive crew mates woke him the next day with breakfast in bed delivered by Jeeves which was entirely made of phallic foods served with ring shaped food such as sausage and cream cheese bagels and whole cucumber with a polo (think white minty lifesaver candy if you're American). He washed the thought from his mind by screwing Skye Candy but was interrupted by a call from Patsy D'Vine who was due in an hour. The crew largely panicked about this while Zeke took Ilsa to the chapel to question Tigra.

Tigra filled him in on the sabotage on ship including a holodeck malfunction causing several holograms of villains such as Bonny & Clyde, a group of huns, and Moriarty to roam the ship. Zeke and Ilsa went to fix it by reprogramming them to religious icons however Zeke, in Ilsa's presence, was so turned on that they came out unexpectedly provocative.

Meanwhile the rest of the crew met with Patsy and Trump, who turned out to be quite sexist. They dropped the F-Bomb (horny pollen bomb in the air vents) and the station erupted with kinky fun time.

Patsy became overcome and started grabbing at Arden, who graciously allowed her to go down on him while they talked business. Dash sneakily took out one of Trumps Mooks while Kanan used mind control to convince Trump that everything was in order.

Trump offended Astra and Sister Mary one too many times and got his drink spiked with various nasty things including tapeworm, laxatives, flaccid pills and a miniaturised baby brain bug. He ran to the toilet with one bodyguard in some discomfort. At which point both Astra and Dash tried to attack the remaining mook and bodyguard but both fell over instead. Dash then shot the bodyguard who was then finished off by Kanan shooting electricity from his fingers. Astra and Kanan took out the mook while Arden pulled Patsy off his cock long enough to get Aldo's bank details so Mary could run her hacking robbery program and stole 6 million in blue bucks.

To Be Continued...


Tuesday 12 April 2016

Jumping the Shark: Week 5 Alpha Blue Session Report

Hello Sweeties!

We are now nearing completion of our Alpha Blue campaign and this session saw the groups first real combat!

Rachael also doodled an angelic brain bug and a sexy brain bug for us I just have to share!

The Game

Arden received a message from Patsy D'Vine that the Don and Patsy were coming to collect 'the package' tomorrow and arranged to meet at the Casino. He sourced a male sexbot to disguise as Brother Ezekiel. While out visiting his tentacle lover, Delia, he discovered from JCN that a visiting prince who had been pegged as an Alpha Blue investor had been murdered. Leaving coveted investment opportunities once again available. On the way back to the ship to inform his crew mates he bumped into Agent Smith who was looking for Kanan. He also saw in passing an albino cleric he had seen flashbacks of on occasion and had reason to believe was involved in the station sabotage and murders. However when he followed the cleric into the men's room, a tiger bounty hunter with an uncanny resemblance to Sister Mary exited the stall.

Meanwhile back on board the Cyclops Snake, Vena was flowering, which released an extremely potent aphrodisiac pollen into the air resulting in willpower checks to all those around her (except Astra who was smart enough to put on a hazmat suit). Failed checks resulted in the violation of both the female and male sexbots. Astra got to work on an antidote (successfully) to the pollen for the crew as well as a way to perhaps make it weaponised.

Kanan managed to escape with his dignity in tact and made his way to the ultra room where he avoided watching the off putting show of Dash's performance whilst questioning two zedi on the ship. He discovered that he was in fact a Zedi master and started practicing with his new found abilities.

Astra had a delivery of various chemical compounds from Tigra who it transpired had hired her to make a poison gas to be released into the Alpha Blue ventilation system. They decided to make a horny gas instead from Vena's pollen so that the station just got really horny instead.

Zeke accidentally contacted Vincent Vega, discovering they had 2 days till the Terra Nostra planned to wipe out Alpha Blue. He also managed to convince Vega that Don Trump was a threat to the Terra Nostra and needed to be 'Taken out'.

When Arden returned to the ship he was overcome with desire / afflicted by pollen, and satisfied his urges in an icy, vine entangled triste with Vena. Arden and Kanan filled in the others on their discoveries and hatched a plan to pool the crew's money, bet it all in the casino with Arden playing a few hands of smugglers quarry with the whales to get enough money to invest in Alpha Blue, 250k Blue Bucks. At the time I thought this a near impossible feat but the inclusion of both Arden and Zeke's lucky rerolls, Vena's pollen as a distraction and Kanan's mind control made this actually a much more realistic number. Retrospectively it may be that my limited understanding of gambling / casinos caused this to be entirely too easy. Even the casino goons who came over to intrude were quickly turned about by Kanan's mind control. They turned 20 k into 320k in 5 or so hands. Well played guys, well played...

They also started prepping a plan to fleece Aldo Trump's bank accounts, take incriminating photos and just generally discredit him. I believe this is in addition to the sexbot bomb. Vena and Kanan hid the time release pollen bomb Astra had made while Zeke held service at the chapel and Astra got cooking up some synthetic wonderland in case they needed any extra cash.

Arden made the offer to JCN for investing in Alpha Blue but JCN advised them that there was already an offer on the table from Don Salvatore. The crew decided to go down to JCN's mainframe again and reset him so he forgot the alternate offer and they did not get dragged into a bidding war. Unfortunately Crazy Carmela (Don Salvatore's daughter), Jimmy four arms and the humanoid with a shark head; Frankie the Fish, followed the now very rich serpentine crew from the casino. Vena used her pollen to distract Frankie the Fish and quite literally 'jumped the shark', taking one for the team. Brother Ezekiel used his God Gun successfully to have Jimmy Four Arms seriously reconsider his life choices due to a revelation which caused him to run off to the chapel. This left Sister Mary, Kanan and Arden attacking Crazy Carmela and making pretty short work of her (oh exploding dice)! They stopped just shy of actually killing her and bought her back to the med bay on the cyclops snake for Astra to hopefully patch her up / stick her in the deep freeze.

To be continued....


Tuesday 5 April 2016

Week 4 Alpha Blue Session Report

Hello Sweeties!

This week has been manic so I am very late with this session report! I do hope you'll forgive me though :)

Snacks wise we had incredibly sour blue balls which turned out to be filled with bubblegum and just screamed Alpha Blue (thanks Kat).

The Game

Sister Mary met Don Salvatore, her lover Angelo and the Terra Nostra crew of gangsters. Angelo took her aside and begged her to leave Alpha Blue. The Terra Nostra were there to get a slice of the action or make an example of Alpha Blue. He warned her that her shapeshifting cousin was on board as part of the crew and that she should watch her back.

Meanwhile Dash was listening in discretely prepared to get her back if she got in any trouble. When she left without incident he managed to insult the goon on the door who gave him a bloody nose then hurriedly apologised calling him Taipan and saying he hadn't recognised him.

After Arden's encounter with the Terra Nostra goon he decided to look for solace in the tentacled croupier he has been seeing, however when she exited the casino she did not recognise him and shunned him. He stood there stunned watching her leave as moments later she exited the casino again and this time greeted him warmly. Clearly she had a doppelganger on board!

Kanan interrogated a cleric and realised his flashbacks were of the Zedi which he plans on investigating later.

Back on The Cyclops Snake Brother Ezekiel was playing a rousing game of twister with Jeeves the butler bot till Skye Candy defrosted and described being kidnapped by Dash and Mary. Ezekiel had rescued her from Don Trumps harem and Vincent Vega of the Terra Nostra had helped free them in exchange for them gathering intel on Alpha Blue.

During this encounter Vena discovered that Dash had a venomous bite and the codename Taipan to go with it whereas Vena was known as Anaconda as she could use her vines to bind people.

Arden and Astra realised and revealed that they had been hired by the interstellar wall to retrieve Skye Candy and Brother Ezekiel. However as a group they decided not to go through with it. They would however buy a sexbot, make it look like Skye Candy and install a bomb to destroy Aldo Trump when he defrosted it. Meanwhile Kanan got to work disguising Skye Candy so she could move about Alpha Blue without causing a scene since everybody thought she was dead and they believed other bounty hunters might be after her.

It was also agreed that they should try to stop Alpha Blue's destruction by the Terra Nostra since it was far too fun and profitable to let it blow up!

Astra and Dash went off to the Ultra Room as Dash felt a performance coming on and Astra wanted to watch!

To Be Continued...

Thursday 24 March 2016

Week 3 Alpha Blue Session Report

Hello Sweeties!

So Tuesday night was the third instalment of our Alpha Blue Campaign. The action heated up a fair bit and I found I lost track of my sex tally. Which is probably a good thing as some of the players are quite competitive and I don't want it distracting from the storyline too much!


We have a new picture of Vena below, drawn by the incredibly talented Rachael Tew (who plays Astra). Anyone else seeing vegetarianism in a new light?


The players woke up docked back at Alpha Blue and decided to take the two prisoners claiming to be Baby Blue back to the casino and deliver them to a very grateful Hot Blue. She paid them handsomely for their service and told Arden that they were known as the serpentine crew and were essentially criminals for hire. At the same time Sister Mary produced the contract for Ezekiels employment and Vena recognised it as a forgery she had made.

While at the casino the players saw a wanted poster for Kanan who was being hunted by the ICIA. They also saw an advertisement for a memorial for Skye Candy and a news article that Dash's lover from the previous night was the latest victim of the unsatisfied killer. This was all via the Alpha Blue noticeboard terminals. Kanan decided he should adopt a disguise and the players decided they needed to investigate the Unsatisfied Killer.

They decided they should go to the memorial as the killer might be there. They went early, ordered some space cocktails, listened to the vocal stylings of Mr, Dick Booblay (played Richard Cheese) and decided to have sex at the table, as you do!

Arden however had a theory that the mini orgasmatrons were causing the satisfiers to kill themselves so he decided to investigate at the med bay. At the med bay he saw an extremely attractive repairbot, who looked more like a sexbot than a repairbot, except for the uniform. Arden recognised her via flashback as having repaired the orgasmatron right before the players amnesia causing accident. She was tinkering with the JCN terminal in the med bay.

Arden then went over to speak to JCN however it became clear JCN was glitching and he started talking about killing the intruders and started to seal off the med bay. Arden got out in time and as the doors sealed he could see through the window that JCN was sucking the air from the room. He hurried to another JCN terminal and convinced him to abort the termination sequence and shut down as he had a virus. The med bay doors unsealed and everyone was okay.

Arden made his way to the computer main frame and called the other players to assist (though Vena and Dash elected to have more sex instead). Between Arden's guidance, Kanan and Astra's computer expertise and Sister Mary's knowledge of computer viruses they managed to isolate and remove the virus (they think).

They then decided to return to the memorial but Sister Mary saw a man who triggered her memory as an old flame so she chased him, Dash chased her and Arden chased Dash. The gentleman in question entered the docking bay into a Terra Nostra ship guarded by two goons. Sister Mary talked her way onto the ship and Arden and Dash decided to follow. Arden tried to distract the goons but one was only interested in Arden as a lover so he took one for the team while Dash bribed a hooker to distract the other. Dash then followed Sister Mary onto the ship.

Cut back to the memorial where Astra, Kanan and Vena were watching proceedings and Astra had a flashback triggered by the memorial photo display of Skye Candy. The flashback consisted of Astra in her lab with Skye Candy unconscious, wheeling her on a table into a secret room of the lab behind a false wall. She grabbed Vena and they ran off to investigate, leaving Kanan to monitor the memorial.

Back on board the Cyclops Snake Astra opened the secret room in the lab. Vena got a little excited at the sight of the frosty cryogenics tubes and got her tongue stuck to the window of one. As Astra freed her they discovered Skye Candy frozen inside the tube. This led to confusing feelings for Vena but Astra began the 'defrost' sequence.

To be continued...


There was still lots of silliness and a fair amount of sex however it was good to see the players getting into the mystery and action a bit more. I do think Alpha Blue is a very versatile game and I'm really looking forward to next week!

EDIT! Wow I forgot to add, we had some fun with rope during the game so the following pics are of Rachael tying up Tom (Dash) and I!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Alpha Blue Suspended

Hello Sweeties!

I'll follow Venger Satanis' example of not ranting about the fact that Alpha Blue is suspended by OBS for 2 weeks pending review for offensive content.

However to honour this there is a new slide in my Alpha Blue information board slide show. I use this in the game to show advertisements, information etc to give players clues and a familiarity with areas of interest on the station. My new slide is as follows:

Since I'm sharing slides, here is another of my favourites:

Hopefully this mess gets sorted out soon. I do think the review could have been done while keeping the product live for purchase but apparently you can still buy it on Amazon if you're interested in buying a copy of this fun, weird, adults only game!

Vix x

Wednesday 16 March 2016

XXX Alpha Blue Session Report XXX

Hello Sweeties!

This was our second week of Alpha Blue and honestly there was so much sex it was unreal. The tally of players having had in game sex is as follows:
Kat - 4
Rachael - 4
Tom - 3
Dom - 3
Matt - 3
Ven - 2
Scott - 1
All but 4 were from this session. This is times you have sex not number of partners as group sex seems to be the thing for some of them!

 Astra drawn by Rachael.

The sexy smutty hilarity was added to by a group of lovely respectable looking people (not roleplayers I'd wager) walking through the room on a few occasions such as when Dash, Vena and Astra were describing their threeway and when I was describing (with hand actions) a woman erotically sucking on an ice dildo. Boy did I go red!


To encourage the fetish's players are now getting an automatic 5 on the freak scale if indulging their fetish. This worked well, though I'm not sure this group needs much encouragement!

This week I introduced flashbacks to the players to help them retrieve some of their lost memories about who they are and what's going on.


Last week I bought penis shaped jellies and this week we had lollies. I need more sexy snack suggestions... though twinkies are sure to make the list, cause they're cream filled... surely I don't need to explain that one further!


We opened the evening with Arden cleaning up at the casino when he was approached by Hot Blue and offered a job to liberate her sister, Baby Blue, from a prison transport ship headed to Caged Heat. However the crew was then summoned to the med bay to collect (now awake) Vena. Arden got there first but Vena misheard his name as 'hard on', which of course led to sex!

The players all reconvened on the cyclops snake where Ezekiel was given a room and Vena discovered she was a talented painter / forger. Astra was busy cooking up 'meds' in her lab while Dash having been disturbed by a vision smashed his hand on his mirror. He went to Astra for first aid and was given her own extremely potent version of blue dreamers which she said was for the cut. Arden headed back to the casino looking for some tentacle loving whereas the three female characters decided to investigate Vena's room on Alpha Blue. They found some pink hair but Vena accidentally got pollen on it. The pollen had an extremely powerful aphrodisiac effect so of course a lesbian threeway broke out. Sister Mary then had a flashback of shapeshifting into an Alien prince, and came out the bathroom as said prince.

Ezekiel got a tad carried away with jeeves the ship butlerbot and ended up drinking lemonade straight from the tap, which equated to blowing jeeves. Around this time Dash's 'meds' kicked in and a raging hard on sent him on the hunt for women. He got through two ladies before his appetite was sated. Meanwhile Arden being a perfect gent walked home and hooked up with a tentacled croupier who bound his wrists to the bed with her tentacles and rode him to the finish line.

Kanan, Dash and Ezekiel investigated the orgasmatron and discovered it had been sabotaged in addition to internal laser fire.

Ezekiel decided to host a sermon at the chapel however people misunderstood his pitch about God filling holes inside them and his flock were looking for an orgy. They did however say that Skye Candy had been on the ship about a week and worked her way through many customers since then.

The rest of the players got notified about a distress call from the prison transport and decided to 'help' (liberate Baby Blue). Ezekiel joined them and Kanan flew them over then distracted the hot cougar pilot with a good seeing-to, twice, in the engine room (ice dildo's were orally consumed). Vena and Astra used bondage and a threeway to seduce the first guard from his post. The last guard had a revelation from Ezekiels god gun and also left his post. This left 6 female inmates (2 blue eyed claiming to be baby blue). There were some arguments over whether or not the right thing to do was rescue all 6. Arden destroyed the inmate records and Dash went to retrieve Vena and Astra however they decided he should join the party instead. This was now one cramped broom closet but he convinced them to continue back at his room so they could all leave.

Kanan returned from his mission triumphant leaving a well satisfied pilot in the engine room recovering while Mary escorted the blue eyed babes onto the ship and more arguments about the remaining 4 inmates ensued. Sadly we ran out of time before it was resolved. To be continued...


The prison ship was this week's main plot however 2/3 of our time was taken up with describing in various detail sexual acts and partners. I'm not sure if the primary focus on sex is how it's meant to be played, but it sure is titillating!

Wednesday 9 March 2016

It begins... Alpha Blue Session Report

Last night we had our first session in our new Alpha Blue Campaign. This will be the first of 7 / 8 weekly session reports following the game. I knew we were off to a good start when the first 5 minutes centred around whether Necrophilia counted if the body was still warm and if you had your penis replaced with an elephant trunk would it try putting peanuts up your arse? It's going to be hard to do it justice but here goes...

The Players

Brother Ezekiel (played by Scott) is a lucky god fearing fellow with a fetish for robots and a belief that he needs to bring the good word to the people of the universe! He is also the proud owner of a currently OP God gun (of his own design, not Alpha Blue approved), you'll see why it's over powered...

Kanan (played by Dom) is a Con Man with a thing for cougars, who pilots 'The Cyclops Snake' (blue flamingo class ship). He is a wanted man with a full scale manhunt for him.

Dash Calypso (played by Tom) is a mutant, entirely oblivious of his condition, with some mysterious mutations I cannot yet go into and even the player isn't aware of them all. He's really into exhibitionism!

Sister Mary (played by Ven) is a slutty tiger nun alien with a boob window in her habit. She is extremely well armed for a woman of the cloth and preaches safe sex, handing out condoms (both regular and mind condoms). There's something hinky about her DNA though...

Astra (played by Rachael) is the ship's medic, a xenologist into sub / dom relationships. She wears a pink leather outfit similar to a mankini and a white lab coat. She has her own lab on the ship and a pair of furry handcuffs being put to great use so far!

Arden (played by Matt) is a lucky gambler that is embracing his skills putting them to use gathering intelligence.

Vena Astra (played by Kat) is a plant based alien, super turned on by Popsicles who unfortunately due to her alien DNA (and not because Kat is away at the minute) was unconscious for the entire session.

House Rules

When creating characters (individually prior to the game) I discussed with each if there were any trigger topics that might make them uncomfortable and should be avoided. Due to the nature of Alpha Blue I wanted to be sure it was a safe and fun environment for all. Topics that were out included:
-Rape (unanimously, this undoubtedly puts people off Alpha Blue)
-Genital Mutilation
-Religious Extremism
In our game, the entire population of the galaxy is so disturbed by these things that you will undoubtedly be mobbed and air locked very quickly. No amount of D6's can save you from a mob the size of Alpha Blue's populous.

The next difference in how I run it is that the interstellar caliphate was changed to the interstellar wall. The interstellar wall is a group of terrorists who plan on making the universe great again through illegal acts of terror. Fuelled by hate and fear the members of this group are blind to the fact that their leader Aldo Thump (referred to as The Don) is actually using them all for his personal agenda: his profit margin.

The opening of the game involves the players waking up with amnesia so I took away one of the career roles from them (except where they had strong ideas or it just worked with my plans) to surprise them with later and gave them a lot more flexibility on their characters, so a lot of the characters detail are picked by player rather than rolled on a table.

I also have a rule (which has not yet come up) which is to avoid spending hours roleplaying sex to beef up hp prior to a big battle. If you want to have sex more than 3 times a session, you have to role to see if you can still get aroused. The first role will be at advantage, second at normal and third (plus any thereafter) at disadvantage. Blue dreamers add 1 d6 to the dice pool.

The Game

Players awoke in the Med Bay on Alpha Blue with Amnesia. Dash was behaving oddly as though he were sleepwalking perhaps but it never really got explained. The group were filled in by a hot nurse as to what had happened; an orgasmatron malfunction resulted in them all losing their memories. They had Alpha Blue Ident Cards which had their name, room number and date of arrival on as well as a picture (these were actual props to help players identify each other) and were told that they formed the crew of the Cyclops Snake.

The players decided to investigate their rooms and Brother Ezekiel was disturbed to find his room had been unlocked, allowing a couple of horny passers by to use it for some sexy fun time! All the players found a little something in their room which included furry hand cuffs for Astra, Rope for Kanan and a contract for Ezekiel. The contract was signed that day and had him newly employed as ships hand to the Cyclops Snake. This caused quite the disturbance and as he tried to get away Astra decided to handcuff him to Dash. A contested role led to Dash being handcuffed to Astra instead. Just then Officer Eric Shun showed up to take them in for questioning regarding the orgasmatron. It turned out that the combination of laser fire inside the machine, the presence of indigo haze and some glitches in the system causing high levels of radiation had caused the amnesia. Players had no knowledge of this but did present the contract, which had been witnessed by Skye Candy. Skye Candy it turned out was a missing satisfier, presumed dead as another victim of 'The Unsatisfied Killer' currently killing off sex workers.

Sadly the interview was interrupted by flashing lights and alarms followed by Officer Shun and all the other police frantically scrambling out. The crew decided to leave but became split when Ezekiel and Kanan went toward the screaming, growling and laser fire sounds, Arden decided to poke around the filing system, Sister Mary went to retrieve the contract and Dash & Astra went off to have steamy shower sex!

Kanan quickly decided it was best to leave Brother Ezekiel to his fate and went to find Sister Mary. They then preceded to have sex on top of the police photocopier, safe sex of course!

Meanwhile Arden was finding info on the unsatisfied killer and found a wanted poster for a familiar looking man he couldn't quite place.

Brother Ezekiel was left face to face with a brain bug somehow out of containment and decimating the unprepared, barely dressed security forces. He was nervous but fired his god gun into combat, set to epiphany. Unfortunately a crit fail resulted in Officer Shun having the epiphany causing him to be devoured by the brain bug. Ezekiel shot again this time on rapture and a crit success resulted in the heavens parting and the brain bug being carried (still alive) on the wings of angels toward a bright light... heaven is in for a shock!

Arden then arrived and noted the door had been opened somehow, CCTV wiped and JCN the computer (with the face of Jason Statham) informed him it was more glitches. He also managed to loot 2 security access crystals.

Ezekiel felt an overwhelming urge to pray but a well meaning medic misunderstood and directed him to the blue light district where he fainted due to the shock of a sinning cleric and a sexbot who seemed to know him all too well!

Astra and Dash decided to check out their ship where they ran into Jeeves the butler bot who offered them refreshments and informed them of how ships policy was to delete all records so as to avoid being caught. Criminals don't keep ships logs apparently. He also mentioned them visiting with their pink haired friend (Skye Candy) yesterday. Dash found a photo of sister Mary with a young gangster looking man.

Sister Mary and Kanan by now had an audience of cops enjoying the sex show and the photocopied close ups but eventually also decided to go to the ship.

Ezekiel decided he would need to set up his own chapel and went to rent mall space but found the proprietor, Starbuck, was the same woman from his room earlier. She agreed to rent him the space and had him sign contracts while pressing against him naked. Poor man would have signed anything trying to ignore her!

Arden went off to the casino to investigate the interstellar wall but only found a useless drunken idiot. He then went gambling...


Saturday 20 February 2016

Coming Soon to a Blog near you... Alpha Blue

Hello Sweetie's!

So I had planned to run Alpha Blue as a one shot at my local RPG club during the short block. However I somehow got talked in to running it as a long block 8 week campaign. I put my pitch together, which felt less like a pitch and more of a 'warning: contains adult themes and sexual content'. I had asked for 4 - 6 players but when the votes were all in, I ended up with 7 players so it certainly garnered some attention. This is my first campaign as a GM at the club, so I'm a tad nervous, but mostly excited!

My bedroom wall is now plastered in post it notes (which according to some, form a giant penis shape... appropriately) filled with storyline ideas & plans. I have wrote some of my own stuff but also chose to use some of the ideas in the book so hopefully my session reports will cover all bases in terms of review.

I am also hard at work making props (I blame the good friends of Jackson Elias and their recent wonderful podcast!). So far I have a series of ads and notifications to show in the background in a slideshow as though they are on a viewing screen on alpha blue. These may or may not have clues.... Some of my readers are in the game so I can't give away too much.

While writing and making for Alpha Blue I have been listening to a lot of Richard Cheese who seems to me to be the perfect live act for the Blue Velvet Lounge. Odds are good my players will be audibly assaulted by Richard Cheese in the game at some point!

Some of you may know I have made a couple of tables which are going on Venger Satanis' new kickstarter project Girls Gone Rogue. The GGR tables will also likely feature in my game, possibly Oli Palmer's GGR contribution too if he says yes... when I ask... Very exciting stuff!

So to summarise, I am looking forward to running this! Session reports will start mid-march :)

Vix x

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Alpha Blue Review

Hello All!

I've been reading Venger Satanis' new RPG Alpha Blue over the last week, and I have to say, I really like it! It is a Sci-Fi game set in the future on a space station named Alpha Blue which is essentially one big party station; big on sex and prostitution as well as drink, drugs and crime. Sounds like a lot of fun right? The book is nicely produced and features some fantastic art work, some of which is a little naughty, so best to keep it away from any curious minors! I have not yet played it but I am inspired, so I hope to run it at the club soon. The following are my initial thoughts and impressions of Alpha Blue.

The book does a really good job of setting the scene which is sort of vintage sci-fi, completely gonzo with a whole lot of sex. The system is pretty simple to get your head round so I don't imagine the mechanics detracting from the story at all (it's a revised version of the Crimson Dragon Slayer system), if anything it gives players the opportunity to further develop their characters by expanding on their backgrounds (which in turn increases their dice pool). One thing I have not seen used before in terms of mechanics is the advantages of having sex, particularly kinky sex! In the game, sex (the kinkier the better) can boost your HP temporarily. So in other words, bang your way through the space station and you'll be able to take more of a beating than Rocky! This is going to be very interesting in play but I suspect will give a distinct advantage to the players most comfortable with their sexuality whereas the more reserved types may not be comfortable enough at first to really reap the benefits.

It's not just about sex though. There are several space age drugs in the game that have their effects described and you may find yourself using. Add to that the various entertainment venue's to while away an evening as well as the humanoid, robotic and alien characters wandering around and you have a lot to explore. Built into the game are ideas such as corporate espionage, crime syndicates, pirates, assassins, monsters, aliens, laser fights and death matches. There is much more to Alpha Blue then just a space brothel!

Character wise there are lots of interesting options. You can of course play a human, or an alien of some kind but you could also be a Zedi (attention Star Wars fans) or you could be Psionic which basically means cool psychic powers and even teleportation. You can also play a Noble which is aristocratic or be just plain Lucky! In addition to those you can roll to see if you have any mutations, some of which are awesome and would be great to have (some not so great to have), plus you roll to see what career you have. This looks like it will lead to some totally customised or random characters and should certainly keep things interesting. The mutations table is so much fun I'm going to have to try hard not to throw radiation at players constantly just to bring in more mutations!

There really is an abundance of awesome tables in the book so you can roll to choose a star sign (personality type), roll for prior sexual experiences, money, fetishes, what turns you on, your known associates, your clothing and much more. There is so much in here that if you are looking for a quick one-shot you may want to pick and choose what you use or just pre-gen all the players characters but if your group likes leaving it all up to chance but having really in depth characters then that is catered for. There are also lots of table's you can use throughout the game. Just burst into a room? Find out what kinky sex was going on by rolling dice. Investigating a weird asteroid? No worries, roll the dice and see what you find. It could potentially make things very easy on the 'Space Dungeon Master' (Alpha blue term) so long as you are comfortable rolling with the punches.

In addition to all the tables there is oodles of information on various factions and groups within the galaxy as well as all the places you might want to utilise inside Alpha Blue (which is basically a flying city). None of it feels overdone or repetitive, it just creates a very rich fabric so it is easy to let your imagination run away with you and come up with interesting plots and twists. But just in case it doesn't there are various scenario seeds suggested in the book to get you started.

There are a few things in the book however that I would personally not want to include in my game as they have too much potential to make people uncomfortable. As it is I think I should probably preface the game with a trigger warning or two and an over 18's only rule not to mention rules at the beginning as to what I am expecting of my players. Primarily that sexual partners must be consensual and over the age of consent - this of course means that I'll never include the contentious "Rape Machine", I find this too delicate a subject area to include in a game thats supposed to be enjoyable.

I am really excited to play this game. I love Sci-Fi as a genre and I really enjoy this gonzo silly fun style of play that lets me unleash my inner pun-loving cheesy-movie enthusiast with a flare for the dramatic and over the top action scenes. I can see anyone who like me has watched all the Stargates, Battlestar Galacticas, Star Treks, Fireflies and Star Wars (*stops listing as I'm getting carried away*) with enthusiasm will find lots of things they love about Alpha Blue. As long as it is played in the right way there is a lot of potential for some of the funniest, most epic roleplaying to come out! That said, if you are prudish about sex or offended by some of the nastier elements of the game to the point where you cannot ignore it, then this is probably not the game for you.

I will post again once I have played it to say how this works in practice and whether or not it lives up to my expectations. Hopefully you have enjoyed this review.


Thursday 21 January 2016

Recently made crochet dice bags

I recently made these dice bags as Christmas presents for a couple of my roleplaying friends and since it is no longer a secret I can post them here.
The first is Buttons the bear, inspired by 'Lamentations of the gingerbread princess' which Oli Palmer ran for our rpg group and did a superb job! Absolutely love the voice he does for Buttons :)
The second is Cthulu inspired with eyes and tentacles for Kathryn Jenkins in honour of her recent Cthulu dark scenario work which I look forward to playing!
Hope you like the dice bags my lovelies!