Spinning a yarn

Spinning a yarn

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Little Red and Wolfgang Van De Berg

Hello my dears,

The following is a little side action you may want to chuck in as a random encounter for your gaming pleasure. As you can probably tell from reading it, I like fairy tales and this is inspired by one of my favourites... Hope it's of use to you.

Little Red and Wolfgang Van De Berg

Little Red (Birth name Scarlet Van De Berg) and Wolfgang Van De Berg are non identical twins approx 9 years old. Their Father viciously stabbed their Mother to death for adultery then cut his own neck. The toddler twins hid under a bed watching the bloodshed and were alone with their dead parents for nearly 2 days until their Grandmother found the bodies and took the children in. Being destitute they lived in a cave in the woods, setting traps to catch rabbits etc for food. The children took on the job of skinning and cooking the animals. They were shunned by the other villagers who said the children were unnatural, perverted by their parent’s madness and bathed in blood. When the children were 8 the Grandmother caught Pneumonia and died. The children ate her as they were perpetually hungry and would not let meat go to waste. The children then lived alone and sometime later when they came across a man who had been attacked and killed by a wolf; they ate what was left of him too. The children developed a taste for human flesh and set their tracking and trapping skills to hunting the best game of all, man. They usually stay close to home picking off travellers and the like who get lost in the woods, sometimes using their innocence to lure people into traps claiming they need help as their Grandmother is sick and dying. They are skilled at making traps, good with a blade and sewing.

When they encounter potential prey alone they will try to lure them into a trap or kill them when their backs are turned. When they encounter groups they will if possible try to separate them and trap them individually for an easier kill.

The woods near the caves where they live are interspersed with various traps such as tripwires with projectile stakes, pits with spikes covered by forest debris such as leaves and sticks, nets that will scoop you up if you step in them and suspend you from the trees, etc.

In the caves themselves they have a very thin wire from one side of the passage to the other at approximately adult neck height so they can run right under it when leading people to grandmother and the adults will run into it, slicing their necks.
The caves are sparsely decorated but contain various tools and weaponry as well as the personal effects of people they have killed, the odd wolf skin and a book named 'Grimm Fairy Tales'.
Special item:  Grandmother's Basket of Plenty
This item can be found in the caves. The basket of plenty each day mysteriously refills itself containing 4 small cakes. However one of the cakes each day is cursed. When eating the cursed cake, each bite you take of the cake transfers the bite to yourself and the cake turns into your own flesh in your mouth. Each bite taken deals 1HP damage and leaves you with chunks of flesh missing. If you eat this cake you develop a taste for human flesh and may require a willpower check when opportunity to eat human flesh without being caught arises. All other food now tastes bland to you. The other cakes are harmless, taste good and will satisfy your appetite (for a time).
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good roleplay night!


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